Największy stacjonarny hackathon w Europie!

HackYeah is a 24-hour stationary hackathon, a programming festival, a unique meeting place and great fun. The event brings together both novice programmers and professionals working in a variety of programming languages. Every year, participants can win hundreds of thousands of zlotys, meet our unique partners and have a great time in the festival atmosphere.

pierwsza edycja HackYeah
105 partnerów medialnych i community wspiera wydarzenie
Ponad 2 700 uczestników HackYeah zjadło 3 000 pizz oraz stworzyło ponad 320 rozwiązań w 20 kategoriach
Pod wpływem pandemii przenosimy hackathon do świata wirtualnego i wspólnie walczymy z COVID-19
Pierwszy hybrydowa edycja hackathonu. Kolejny raz rekordowa pula nagród - 570 000 PLN
Powrót do stacjonarnej formuły hackathonu. Po raz kolejny rekordowa pula nagród, czyli ponad 700 000 PLN i aż 2300 uczestników na Tauron Arenie!
About The Event

It is the largest hackathon in Europe, bringing together more than 2,700 people from the IT industry.

What is HackYeah all about?

First and foremost, it's a hackathon - an event that brings together creative people to hack reality and fix global problems with the tools of their choice.

HackYeah lasts 24 hours, and during this time participants must create a solution that will give them a chance to win a prize in the chosen category.
Who can participate in hackyeah?
Literally everyone! You can be a programmer, UX developer, game developer, infosec wizard, graphic designer, webmaster, engineer, product manager or an extremely creative person! Each participant can work independently or in a team of up to 6 people!

There are several tasks to choose from:

- three main categories, which respond to current problems we face in the world, selected after detailed consultations with NGOs from Poland. These categories are open-ended, so we don't dictate the direction in which projects should be developed!

- partners' tasks - These are tasks prepared by entities supporting us in the creation of this hackathon. More specific, they focus on a particular solution. As part of this task, you may be called upon to develop an app, an idea to improve customers' cybersecurity, hack a power generator or find a solution to problems in Poland's health care system. These are just a few examples of what your challenges might be during HackYeah.

Each task comes with a unique reward!
And you and your team can participate in as many tasks as you want. We provide full board during the hackathon and a separate sleeping area for anyone who may need to rest a bit.

HackYeah is not just a hackathon - it is a unique IT festival.

In addition to hacking, you can:

  • Attend a conference where speakers cover a variety of topics from different IT and community industries.
  • Relax in the interactive partner zone (fancy a massage? How about playing a VR game? Experiencing 8 dimensions in a simulator? Or climbing a moving wall? You've got it!)
  • Meet unique and creative people. Make new friends or business partners!
  • Are you looking for a job? It's an ideal place to find great employees (among more than 2,700 participants) or employers (among dozens of companies - event partners).
This is a unique initiative that combines the formula of a hackathon and an IT festival. Workshops, lectures, meetings - all this turned 24 hours of hard work into great fun!
e-point hacking team