

The largest interdisciplinary technology festival for programmers in Poland!

The largest meeting of the Polish IT community. An interdisciplinary event aimed at everyone connected with the IT industry, both professionals and amateurs.

The first edition of the 4Developers Festival took place
Over 1,300 participants came to the 4Developers Festival!
Świętowaliśmy 5-lecie Festiwalu
Konferencja zrzesza już ponad 2300 programistów
Dobiliśmy rekordowej liczby 101 Media Partnerów i Community
Na czas pandemii przenieśliśmy festiwal od cyberprzestrzeni
W kwietniu odbyło się ostatnie spotkanie ONLINE!
Jesienią wróciliśmy do STACJONARNYCH wydarzeń. Wraz z konferencją 4Developers odwiedziliśmy 4 polskie miasta: Katowice, Poznań, Wrocław oraz Łódź.
About The Event

4Developers has been one of the most recognized events for developers in Poland for years ! Recent editions of the Festival have attracted more than 1,500 participants: developers, architects, testers, coders, team leaders, managers and IT-related students. The event is aimed at all those involved in the technology industry, both professionals and amateurs.

The idea of the event is to create a space conducive to the activity of professionals - the exchange of knowledge and experience of members of the IT community. 4Developers is much more than lectures. It's also a great opportunity to go beyond the lecture area and meet experienced professionals and enthusiasts of the IT world in a relaxed atmosphere. Since the start of the pandemic we have been seeing ONLNE maintaining the festival formula and preparing for future stationary editions.

The strength of 4Developers lies in diversity - it's a place where a complete development team can choose topics within a dozen thematic tracks.

I think that such a conference, in addition to the obvious function of smuggling new knowledge in the various lectures, is a good opportunity to gain new and very interesting contacts, which often opens up new opportunities for development.