Czy Otwarte Dane mogą pomóc w rozwiązaniu bieżących problemów społecznych? Oczywiście, że tak!

More than thirty participants in eight teams took part in the final of the #OpenData Datathon. All projects are likely to be implemented and help the people of Ukraine.

Proidea pierwszy raz odpowiada za organizację hackathonu #OtwarteDane
Po dwóch latach edycji online Datathon wraca na rynek jako hackathon offline, więc spotykamy się w Centrum Kreatywności Targowa i wspólnie z Kancelarią Prezesa Rady Ministrów realizujemy kolejne spotkanie
About The Event

The current situation prompts us as a society to act! Since the beginning of the war in Ukraine, we have already taken in nearly 2.5 million refugees, to whom we want to not only give a roof over their heads, but also help them return to normalcy. We can also provide the necessary support to those in need by creating digital solutions that could help Ukrainians find their way in the new reality. That's exactly what the #OpenData Datathon participants were looking for this year!

April 2 and 3, 2022. Datathon #OpenData was held. His goal was to create a prototype of an app that would help solve current social problems or help Ukrainian residents fleeing the war find their way in Poland.