Największe spotkanie społeczności Javovej w Polsce!

JDD is a huge two-day gathering of Java programming fanatics. Speakers from different parts of the world, experienced professionals, representatives of diverse communities from the IT world, enthusiastic students and developers of all degrees - everyone who loves Java is at JDD!

Odbyła się pierwsza edycja JDD
Na JDD przybyło ponad 600 uczestników!
Świętowaliśmy 10-lecie konferencji
Stajemy się popularni – wspiera nas ponad 40 Media Partnerów i Community
Pobiliśmy rekord – JDD liczy ponad 1100 uczestników!
W wyniku pandemii przenieśliśmy organizację konferencji do świata wirtualnego
Powrót wyczekiwanej przez społeczność Java stacjonarnej edycji konferencji! JDD 2023 ponownie zjednoczyła setki programistów i entuzjastów tego języka.
About The Event

JDD is made up of Java fanatics, experts, ever-hungry programmers, and out-of-the-box speakers who ask remarkable questions. It is thanks to them that the conference features topics that can be found in vain anywhere else.

The unique atmosphere of JDD is mainly due to the enthusiasm of the participants and cooperation with the programming communities. Thanks to the huge amount of inspiration and experience shared by experts during JDD, the acquisition of knowledge intersects with great fun. The tracks are divided by level of sophistication and language of presentation. New faces appear on the scene every year.

JDD is also about continuous discussions, exchange of practical solutions and, above all, involvement - local communities and active participants make the conference vibrant. The JDD climate has become extremely friendly - we feel like one big family!

Every year, traditionally, the JUGmajster competition is held at the conference. This is an iconic element of JDD - debuting Java specialists compete against each other on stage. Each year only one of them knocks the audience off its feet and is hailed as a JUGmajster. The competition during the JUGmajster competition is proving to be fiercer every year. JUGmajster is a huge dose of practical knowledge and the latest solutions straight from rookies, vying with each other to become the rising star of the Polish IT scene.

Extremely practical layers of Java programming knowledge from experienced and highly prestigious speakers