Hackathons have become not only popular events, but also a great way to foster innovative solutions and collaboration between companies and the development community. If your company has become a hackathon partner, it is important to prepare an inspiring task that will attract participants and stimulate their creativity. In this article, we will discuss the key steps that will help you prepare a hackathon task that will not only be interesting, but also encourage participants to take up the challenge.
Choose the appropriate task topic:
The first step is to choose an appropriate task topic. Make sure the topic is related to your company’s mission and activities. It is also worth considering current trends in the industry so that the task is related to the latest challenges and issues. Encourage participants to address topics with potentially high business or social value, which can motivate them to get involved and accept the challenge.
Set clear goals and expectations:
In the task description, precisely define the goals to be achieved by the participants and the expectations for the final solutions. Clear and specific information will help participants understand what you expect from them and what direction they should take. Encourage their creativity and innovative approaches, but at the same time set specific criteria for evaluation.
Present a real challenge:
Tasks that have a real impact on the problems and needs of a company or society are the most inspiring for hackathon participants. Creating a task that solves a real-world challenge can encourage developers to take a more engaged approach and look for practical solutions.
Make sure the task description is interesting:
The task description should be interesting, accessible and engaging. Explain why the task is important, what benefits may result from solving it, and how the solution will affect the users’/company’s life or business. Encourage participants to imagine the potential outcomes of their project. Show them how they can become part of something bigger.
Provide support and materials:
The task can be complicated, so it is important to provide participants with technical support and access to the necessary materials. Provide relevant tools, data, or APIs to facilitate project work. The clearer and more accessible the information is, the more you will encourage participants to take up the challenge.
Provide support from mentors:
See to it that specialists from your company are available during the event to help participants with their concerns. Be sure to select people who are open and committed to the company for this role. In this way, you will not only support the work of the participants, but also present your company as a workplace for high-class professionals.
Prepare attractive prizes:
Attractive rewards are an additional incentive that can get developers to take on your challenge. Make sure the rewards are appropriately valuable and interesting, such as an invitation to a project team meeting, an internship at your company, or support for their project.
Preparing a partner task for a hackathon is a great opportunity to engage the development community, explore innovative solutions and promote your company. By choosing the right topic, setting clear goals, presenting a real challenge and making support available, you will attract participants who will accept your challenge and bring valuable value with their projects. Also keep in mind attractive rewards that will further encourage programmers to commit to your task. Ready to take on this challenge? Let us know in the comments what task you will prepare for your company’s hackathon!

Indywidualne podejście i wyjście naprzeciw potrzebom klienta, to cechy charakterystyczne Olgi, która świetnie zarządza działem sprzedaży w PROIDEA. Ściśle współpracuje z zespołami projektowymi, aby od początku do końca realizować wydarzenia zgodnie z oczekiwaniami zleceniodawców. Prywatnie fanka tenisa i muzyki elektronicznej.