Today we will share some proven ways to help you convince your boss to send you to a technology conference. Such events are not only inspiring and educational, but also provide an excellent opportunity for professional development and forging valuable relationships in the IT industry. Here are some tips that can help you convince your boss:
Demonstrate value to the company: Before you approach your boss with a request, consider how attending a conference can bring value to your company. List the benefits that will result from your participation, such as gaining new knowledge and skills, learning about the latest trends and technologies, or making valuable business contacts. Your boss will be more likely to approve your request if he or she knows that the trip will benefit the company.
Prepare arguments: Before meeting with your boss, prepare solid arguments to support your request. Think about what specific information or technologies you anticipate gaining at the conference and how you can apply them to your business. Present it in a thoughtful as well as convincing manner.
Discuss the participation plan: Provide your boss with a detailed plan for your attendance at the conference. Explain what sessions you would like to attend, what workshops you would like to visit, what presentations are crucial for you. Show that you have a well thought out strategy to make the most of your time at the event.
Point out the competition: If you know that your competitors are attending a particular conference, indicate this fact to your boss. A valuable argument may be that attending the event will help the company stay abreast of market trends and operate in a competitive environment.
Highlight potential savings: If your action at the conference can save time or costs for the company (e.g., implementing new technological solutions or avoiding inefficient operations), highlight this aspect.
Offer co-financing: If the cost of attending the conference is high, you can suggest to your boss that you are willing to co-finance your trip. This can argue that you are committed and determined to participate.
Prepare a plan to apply the knowledge you have gained: Outline a plan for how you plan to use the knowledge and experience you have gained when you return from the conference. Show that you have a clear plan of action, and that going to the event is an investment in your career development and effectiveness at work.
Convincing your boss to send you to a technology conference requires a thoughtful approach and well-prepared arguments. Demonstrate that attending the event will bring value to the company, present solid plans and strategy, and highlight the benefits of your participation. Ensure that your request is professional and concrete, which will increase the chances of a positive response from your boss. Good luck!

Specjalistka od sprawnej komunikacji, zaklinaczka social mediów i mistrzyni żonglerki słowem. Chociaż sama jest rasową humanistką, to dała się uwieść analitycznej magii branży IT i od lat dzieli się niespożytą energią w uczestnikami wydarzeń PROIDEA.