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27 maj 2024 - 28 maj 2024

CONFidence is an international cybersecurity conference, filled with deep-dive technical lectures and workshops, networking, and open skill-sharing. 

The 24th edition of the conference will take place on 27-28 May 2024. Join the event at EXPO Kraków and meet hackers, security experts, and IT specialists from different backgrounds and regions.

The program covers the most significant topics, such as phishing, malware, social engineering, physical security, threat hunting, cybercrime, data protection, AI and machine learning, incident response, attack scenarios, and case studies.

This is the CONFidence conference!

– Two days of technical lectures and Q&A sessions
– Networking with experts and industry leaders
– Discussions with top international speakers
– Open atmosphere, contests, and after party
– Certificate of Attendance and CPE points

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27 maja @ 9:00 am
28 maja @ 5:00 pm


EXPO Kraków
Galicyjska 9
Kraków, Poland